Hey there! Welcome!

My name is Mashauna and I am a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Nationally Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach.

I help women who are living with chronic illness regain control of their health in order to experience an energized and vibrant life again. I believe it’s possible to find balance with your health in order to live the best life possible and I help women accomplish just that through nutrition and lifestyle changes.

If you feel like you’ve tried everything and don’t know what to do anymore, like doctors have given up on you, or if you are sick of watching life go by from the couch- you are in the right place!

I’m here to tell you there’s hope, I will listen to you, and I believe in your ability to get better.  I’m looking forward to getting to know you more!

Are you sick of missing out on life due to being tired or not feeling well? Are you ready to take the first step towards feeling like yourself?
Work with me!

My Story

I spent the majority of my childhood not feeling well but doctors couldn’t figure out why I was feeling that way. My labs were normal and I looked healthy on the outside, but I kept getting sicker and sicker with pain, weakness, dizziness, fatigue, migraines, and digestive issues. When I was 15 I finally got my first diagnosis: POTS. I knew it wasn’t all in my head! After that the symptoms kept coming and the list of diagnoses kept growing: Chronic Fatigue, IBS, Chronic Migraine, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Lyme Disease… and with each diagnoses I lost a little more hope in getting better because over and over I had doctors tell me that it was unfortunate I was so sick, but there wasn’t much they could do for me.

I had enough…

In my early 20s I hit rock bottom and became nearly bed bound multiple times. At that point, doctors pretty much dismissed any complaint and blamed it on Fibromyalgia.  After 10 years of trying the conventional medicine approach I decided to take matters into my own hands because I was fed up with doctors telling me that was just the way it was. There had to be a solution! With the little energy I could muster up, I researched and researched. I learned about functional medicine, how the body systems are all connected, and the effects of our environment, toxins, stress, and food. Little by little I started making changes.

When I was 23, I met with a functional medicine doctor who diagnosed me with Chronic Lyme Disease. This was a tough and scary diagnosis to get, but he made sure I knew that he believed in the body’s ability to heal if we brought it back into balance.


As I dove deeper into lifestyle changes, nutrition, and taking a whole body approach, I continued to improve. I had been trying to put bandaids over my symptoms for years, so no wonder I was feeling so crummy!

Over the last few years, my life has done a complete 180. My entire lifestyle changed and with that I experienced incredible shifts in my health and quality of life. I am off all my medications, my body is so much stronger, and I live a full and active life.  The days with flares are far and few between. I now have the tools to naturally manage my symptoms when they do show up, but more excitingly I now live the majority of my days pain free and with energy. I am living the vibrant life I had dreamed of for so many years!

My experience has made me realize just how powerful lifestyle changes can be and how incredible our bodies are. We just need to learn how to listen to them. And that’s why I am here- to help people regain that hope that feeling better is possible and to support them along the way.